We move from one sailor - Roux - to another - Jack *O*
And this got the comment from my honey "O.K.
- the pirate is framed twice ... Does he have to go to jail two times then?"


Yes, my sweet Johnny-boy, you do -O* But still only in
MY jail!
Where you get kisses, danish and coffee instead
of bread and water *o* ... could you have Rum in that coffee?
O.K. *o* Why not *O*
My baby sometimes wonder like this --> *points at pic *
Lots of things, sweetie -o*
Like these seventys inspired "tiles" behind our man on the next picture *O*


Weird, right ...
Johnny looks a bit sceptical too -o*
But I were just playing with Photoshop, that's all *O*
Here's just one of the "tiles" - and Johnny, of course *o*
