The birdie STILL clucks one *O*

One more "crazy frame" - oh, I do love Photoshop *O*
But is it my imagination - or is my baby starting to look tired ...
Cluck-YES !!! Here he has even sat down and - and
lost all colour and - and - sniff ...
No - wait just a minute ...
The picyure looked like that - black'n'white, I mean - when I scanned it?
Stop giggling, little Johnny! Or I'll - I'll - kiss you *o*
O.K. *o* Just two more pictures and we're done for
today - night?
Tonight, baby *O*


Here's a fairly "quiet" picture - frame and all - of a BEAUTIFUL guy *o*
And then let's end with yet another view of that there beautiful buccaneer on top of ... something -O*
... I give you - drumroll, please! Or roll a cigarette,
if little Jack Monkey sto.. - borrowed the drum *O*
That's all, folks -o*
Thank you for flying with Chicken Air and goodnight *O*

Come on, my sweet little Ja - Johnny *o*
I have bribed the cute jail doggie with all manners of treats and got the keys and we are all alone in this big old jail house tonight so let's ...
Let's do the Jail House Rock, you say ???
We are finally alone - the visitors have gone
home and little Jack is off somewhere ... With the wee monkey ladies probably *o*
And - and you want to play your GUITAR !!!
Oh, you are teasing me, you little - I'm gonna get you good for this *O*
*runs off after a grinning Johnny/Jack down into the dungeons (and the dragons?)
never to be seen again !!! ... that is, before the sequel of course *