The Cutie Di Tutti Cuties are not always so satisfied with his silly pet, me thinks
Here he certainly look like he would like to put his trusty old boot up my backside and
re-arrange my tailfeathers a bit - cluck?
Not funny, baby cheeks -O* ?
Oh, the frame is too heavy - gives you a headache ...


O.k. then, baby - then let's by all means get it off of you *o*
Ah, good *o* That dissatisfaction didn't last for long *o* My Johnny can laugh at himself too *O*
And I very often look like this Smiley when ever I see Johnny; VERY BIG smile and my tongue hanging out like a happily panting dog although I'm still a chicken *O*
What, sweetie?
You can't see through me like this no matter how much I smile ...
I am glad to hear that actually - it would have
been rather GROSS if you could -O*


Here the frame is spinning like Tim Burton's brain *o*
And mine, sweetie? Yes, mine too *O*
When you are right, you are right, darling - and
I certainly don't mind being somewhat like the great Mr. Burton -o*
When my fictional fellow first saw this he moaned; "That's
what comes of leaving a chicken alone at a computer with Photoshop installed!"
I don't think it's that bad ...
Do you?
We are just seeing Roux through a heavy set of drapes *o* He ain't square after all, you know *O*
