SILVER AGAIN: Yeah - he is a very nice kid, indeed ! *o* ! But on this pic - the one
below ... Has he drunk so much coffee - and not enough rum - that he's starting to see things *O*
Yeah - could be!
Or not enough - of either - to handle seeing that crazy windmill thing I have conjured up ... Which
will start spinning in a moment out of sheer joy by seeing Johnny -o* It is in honor of Tim Burton's brilliant mind, cluck
Tshe *o*


One really shouldn't admit to things - it might get one into trouble like ... Jack -
both jacks - have warned me against that several times ... Clu-cluck !!! But still ... I confess - between you and
me - confidentially as Bugs would say - drumroll and fanfare, please -o*
You all knew that - how ????????????????????? I mean ... Admitted - I do give him flowers
... On cards for instance -->
