You want 'pirate-flowered' candy ... But gangsters are all the craze at the - moment - no need to
pout !!!
Pirate it is, then -o*
Jack in the hot tropics, perhaps *o* ?


Or long John Silver's son and heir way back when before he turned his lovely hand to pirating
like his Dad *O*
Here is what Jack saw - in my imagination, that is -o*
And no, little Jackie *o* You do look delicious in all you fancy 'feathers' but the birdie won't
eat you *O*


LONG JOHN AT HOME FOR A VISIT: Did you have to call him Babycute though - I am called
Barbecue, Honeybeak *o*
Yes, Baba John *O* ... but Johnny was - is at times still - BABYCUTE -o*
Tshee-hee-hee *O* *get tickled by both lovely pirates and have to leave more clucking to the
next page *