
Happy saint Valentine´s day - 2003


Eh, so Saint Valentine´s Day is the fourtenth of Februar? ..... O.K. *o* For some reason this silly chicken had got into her feather brain that it is the eleventh - tshee-hee *o* But anyway - here is a little rhyme for you *O* I hope you enjoy it *o*

I had a little argument with my imaginary sweetie pie earlier today ...
Well, please just look below *o*

Happy Saint Valentine´s Day, my darling sweetie *o*
... I do think though you are in a brooding mood
and suffer - today of all days - from itching feet
Baby - you have so many sharp edges
let me try to kiss them away *o*
You say you don´t want to conform -
but I still so much want you to stay ...
You complain you are neither cute nor sweet -
can´t manage to be either
but still I do so want to -  plead -
a bit for the defence of my opinion about you
... you certainly are a man -
but I think, you are very sweet and cute too!
It is nothing you have to work on being as you believe.
You just have to relax and be yourself
laugh, be happy and lovely stories weave.
Smile and relax and go about your life
without thinking about being something
just to please me - you common law wife *O*
Because when you "forgetaboutit" you are exactly as you should be *O*
I LOVE YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He *o*



Oh, and before I forget - my sweetie stayed *o*