
I HATE - page 3


My VERY SMART sweetie takes over the business plans *O*

"More like this!" my Johnny said. Sticking the tip of his tongue out the side of his mouth for concentration and looking even more wonderful doing so -o*
Then added with contempt "But that is a stupid picture anyway! Beautiful, but stupid! It looks like he wouldn't know a thought if it jumped up and bit him!"
... my thoughts never bites me - do yours?



"No! Let's have so fun!" my sweetie declared.
"If you can have Johnny Walker on the rocks then why not Johnny Depp - or in our case Johnny SWEETS" my boy laughed.
But I begged to differ - not being much for booze - and made this picture ...
Making my sweetie protest "But, Meepsie ... I'm not a soft dri.. I am not at all SOFT! I - erm - I ... I am as hard as they get!"
But I of course didn't agree - my mother-in-law claims argueing is good for a relationship -o* - and stated "Are too!" (sounding very mature ... He *o* )
Then added "You are soft, brown, sweet - lovely - just THE RIGHT THING!
Just looka here, my baby sweet"



So - after my "hard bad guy" had wiped away some tears, blown his cute little nose and kissed me - he decided "Enough of that mushy stuff! ... stop giggling, you ... chicken, you *o* Let's try some more fun *O*"
And this is what we saw as fun -o*
"Nobody is gonna buy that" I giggled almost falling of my chair laughing.
"Oh, yeah" Johnny drawled in a droll fashion.
Then smiled "You'll be surprised what fans will do - even otherwise sensible fans of that there Depp guy"

My boy is of course NOT Johnny Depp -o*
