More? Sure *o* Just scroll down *O*
But of course I do *o*
So here is a dry SATISFIED babyboy looking absolutely gommmm *O*
JOHNNY: And framed as usual -o*


Hi *o* No censorship here, young man - or I'll "shoot you with a butterfly" - BULLSEYE *O*
THE SHOT BLOKE: Auch ... Here, little flutterby - out the window you go *o* You shouldn't
agree to being shot off like that just course the baby hen is a charming bird *O*
... tshee-hee-hee *O* *giggles delighted also because of the word on the 'card' *
Oh, what a smile *O*


THE STILL SMILING BEAUTY: Do you really have to love me this much *o* ?
Yep !!! *O* !!!
... it says so here in this law - I wrote it myself -o*
JOHNNY SWEETS: You wrote - come ON, my little birdie ! *O* ! Publish this
page and let's get going *o*
Cluck *o*