
The baby who cries ...


Inspired by The Man Who Cried
I made my a bit sad imaginary Johnny this - a bit rash - promise ...
He -o*

Oh, baby - oh, dear ...
Let me kiss away that tear.
Sweetie. donŽt you fear,
you IŽll always try to cheer -
or at least be here *o*
IŽll stroke your hair
and sit you down in this easy chair
... and if you promise not to stare
I will - even though it is not quite fair
I mean - in this cold air
I will dance and strip!
- no, hon', it is no fib?
IŽll swing my enormous hips -o*
So a beautiful smile will curl you lips
If you could stop your crying
I would feel like flying *O*
... even though I hardly dare
- I am after all still your chicken extraordinaire -O*