But now we have come to the final four pictures - at least when we cluck about the Eyecandy
Cook Shop here *o*
BUSY BUSINESS MANAGER: Owned and run - and boy, can she run around ... - A. Cypriota!
Perhaps better known as your Mumsy Aphrodite, eh *o* ?
Any which way - of those famous ones to Rome, perhaps -o* - Johnny is still getting framed by yours
truly ...
In Adobe Illustrator for this frame *o*
But I soon left and flapped back to the safety of my own hen house - and Photoshop -O*


And found this happy BEAUTIFUL smile at my arrival *O*
... now I know many people loooooooove it when Johnny pouts and is moody and dark and mysterious
and - and CLUCK !!!
Somewhat like on the next pic of a framed wee gangster -o*
The people who prefer that 'baby with a bellyache' to mmmmm ?
EDITOR - WHO CAN'T DECIDE WHETHER TO LAUGH OR SCOLD: Meepsie !!! That's blasphemy, honey child
Yes, aunt Delilah -o*
But in THIS eyecandy shop we only use the very best of ingredients !!! ... after special firm
order from the owner's own beautiful lips *O*


Like this !!! *O* !!!
Now anybody who prefer the dark look is very welcome to do that *o*
This is a free hen house where we practise 'everybody to his own' as Ichabod said to the
"which" *O*
But cluck prefer smiles !!!
Like the one 'aunt Delilah' is sending me right now *O*
"DELILAH": Come on, little Miss Sweet'n'sillyfeathers *o* Let's close this and move
out into the sunshine *O*
Cluck, Johnny-sweet *o*