
Christmas 2001


The big star has a romantic but initially lonely heart in my imagination -O*

How I met my imaginary Johnny
Six and a half years ago (the summer of 1995) I sat zapping through the channels on the tube. Bored to death - or at least to tears - and bother by the workmen tearing the roof off over my head. And replacing it with new tiles ...
Then suddenly something going on at  the television caught my wandering attention.
I noticed one rather good looking guy in a sky blue car tailing another young bloke on a bike - and that is not a sight you see every day, so I kept watching to see what would happen.
After some moments the guy on the bike turned around and stuck a gun in the face of the man in the car. And to my great amazement and delight the car guy looked scared!!
Now please donīt misunderstand me ... I definitely do not like people being scared and uncomfortable. But I had started at that point in time to get very tired of those macho guys who just sneer challenging if threatened in any way.
Even if you took a rocket launcher and stuck it up Stalloneīs ar... (eh, sorry) rear end, he would probably just crack a joke - perhaps something like: "Havenīt you got a bigger toy?"
But here was an even very good looking guy who actually dared to look scared on TV - wow? I now watch with avid interest.
When the episode of 21 Jump Street was finished that day I sat fantazising, while another - not nearly as attractive bloke - did his job on the screen.
And suddenly - I swear - Tommy Hanson (also called Johnny Depp, if you absolutly have to be serious - argh!! Sorry *o* ) leaned way out of my television.
Big brother Doug had a firm grip in baby brotherīs belt so he wouldnīt fall out and hit his cute little nose (eh, sorry again! That is "old" and "long" according to Johnny himself -O* ) or other parts of his adorable wee person.
But the little ... thief stole my heart. Just like that. Took it right away - and I didnīt even die ... He *o* Then he straightened up and looked rather proud of himself and smiled "This is mine! For ever!"
While I sat gasping for breath thinking he was very welcome to it.
After a moment though Tommy noticed Doug looking rather stern and said - sounding a bit spoiled - "What! What have I done now?" Doug smiled a little at his tone. But then said seriously "Sheīs going to die without her heart. And you know that!"
Tommy thought about that for a moment. Then stuck his hand way down in the back pocket of his jeans and said "O.k. Sure. She can have mine instead. Here, Meeps. Catch!"
And I hurried up and caught the small object he threw me. 
Looking down I saw it was a small see-through crystal heart with a perfectly formed red rosebud in the middle. And while I look the rosebud unfolded itself - shedding a golden warm light in my whole living room - and birds started to sing.
So donīt tell me he doesnīt have a romantic heart -o*
When I looked up Doug and Tommy had left my TV screen. And I could hear them get into a car off to the left argueing whether they should buy a pizza to share. Or they should go home and visit Tommyīs Mum - and her dinner table, I gathered.
The last I hear was that Doug voted for the home cooked meal.
Oh, and the heart - it worked. Of course it worked. Johnny Depp is an enchanting guy and all his magic work - at least on me it does.
Johnny becomes my imaginary sweetie pie
Johnny often came back and visit me over the next couple of years.
In different guise; as Sam and Gilbert and Axel and ... well, you know. And I read about him in magazines and news papers. And everybody agreed: he was becoming a big star.
But I also had a feeling he was become a rather lonely little star. And that is no wonder when you come to think of it!
Because what is a star actually other that a perpetual nuclear explosion way out in the cold empty space with I donīt know how many light years to the nearest neighbor - which is also a perpetual nuclear and-so-on ...
So there is nobody around to hug you and kiss your cheek and stroke your hair and tell you, what a sweet boy you actually are ... even though you do explode a tiny bit from time to time ...
At that point in my line of thoughts I took a decision!
I stood up, wiped my nose (yes - o.k. I am a sentimental witch), took the cauldron off the fire and left my witch lair in The Eastern Wood. I crawled up the hill outside and kneeled down and howled at the conveniently full moon, we had that winter night.
For a long moment nothing happened.
Except for a wolf answering from far away asking if I was that Lola Bell he had met at the Viper Room at Thanksgiving? I wasnīt!! The very idea of calling myself ... A-hmmm - anyway ... 
... way up - three stars to the right of La Luna (eh - I mean the moon) - came a small shooting star. And it came closer and closer.
Now normally I wouldnīt stand around waiting to be hit by a meteor, but when I heard a well known voice yell close to panic "Catch me, somebody!! I canīt stop!!!" I hurried up and found a lot of pillows and mattresses so Johnny could land without any harm coming to his adorable body and head.
He did land luckily in my pile up and afterwards I managed to dig Johnny out of the huge pile of bed linen. But he looked a bit nervous at me and said "You call ... howled, Madame?" When I asked him, what was wrong he still looked somewhat scared, but then blurted out "You havenīt become a were wolf lately, have you?"
I comforted him and swore I havenīt.
And explained I just wanted him to come and stay with me as my imaginary boyfriend. Then I would promise both to treat him as nice as humanly possible - and invent several weird and wonderful scenarios for him to play any role in he wanted.
We were just getting down to the smaller print in our contact - contract, I mean - and getting really deliciously close up and personal, when a troll suddenly leaned over an especially fluffy eiderdown cover and asked "Whatīs going on here?"
In order not to having to start Johnnyīs stay with me by having us both arrested for disorderly conduct I dragged him off with me (luckily he hasnīt become so big a star you canīt drag him off with you by a firm grip on his arm) and we ran down the main street and disappeared in the small and winding alleys down by the .. harbor ...
O.k. - o.k. I confess - my witch lair is called the public library normally. The hill I climbed outside that is in real life a street called Vesteralle (West Boulevard) which lead up to the square in front of the town hall here in Aarhus. And sane - booooring - normal Danes would probably see the troll as a cop - but is that my fault ... He *O*
But the rest is true! I swear!! ... on a book about the adventures of Baron Von Munchausen or something like that -O*
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