... be Johnnyīs girl? Well, at least I can dream about it, canīt I?

I still canīt believe I made this ... ME - the silly chicken
*O* Actually I firmly imagine that it was my fictional Johnny who took over and made this being very tired of all
my overly romantic silliness -o* The satisfied little smile he wears on his lovely lips here confirms my theory in my mind
*o* I think he is saying; "If I have to be here there might as well be a bit of taste involved !!!" -o*
Where as this super-romantic frame was chosen by me *o* I confess
myself guilty of that *O* But my silly insecure Johnny delivered the rhymes ... When will he believe I do love
him? ... oh, well - I have my moments of insecurety too *o*


But just look at that ... Donīt you think I love him?
How can one not *o* ?
Er - if you can't quite read the rhyme I've placed a copy here *o*