Or food for thoughts and dreams *o*
Not THAT kind of chicken feed this chick wouldn't mind *O*
And if this gent would hand feed me - aaaaaahhh *o*


But my imaginary boy first growled and then pretended to want to bite me claiming he was my doggie
who had 'fetch' the money *O*
Then he became embarrassed that he was acting so silly and sweet and decided to stay serious for
the next pic - this ...
So while he "gets that out of his system" we can look at some pics from the movie that never happened
- poor Terry Gilliam ...
And the wet man here -o*


Yeah - I can understand that, Johnny ...
But the rum's gone *O*
SMILING JOHNNY PLAYING ALONG: "But why is the rum gone?" *o*
Why - you drank it, baby? Savvy, luv' *O* ?
Oh, so you don't hate water after all, pet -o*
Or Gilliam just outside the pic *O* ... so maybe there's hope for a silly birdie too *o*
STILL DRENCHED "SANCHO": Sure there is, honey bird *o* But do you have a towel,
