... pretty pirate - joyful Johnny *O*
Pouting cutie pie?
Oh, yes, that too -o*

My imaginary Johnny always claim he is tough and dangerous - cluck think he doth protest
too much *O* But here he is demonstrating disguisted as our darling Jack -o*
And of course he got the keys - the silly boy could
just have asked *O* But that he claimed wouldn´t be nearly as fun - and he might
be right there -o*
Aaaaaaw - shucks ... *O* Prince Gorgeous O'Cutie Pie *o*
THE BIRDIE'S PRINCE CONSORT: You are an awful little birdie, you *o* *takes of Jack's warm
clothes* Maybe I better play something romantic for you and any visitors -o*


Yes, baby *o* "Für Elise" perhaps - or Greensleaves or - or - yes, I'll be quiet and listen *o*
But also cluck that - yes, the real life Johnny Depp claims he can't play the piano! But my totally
fictional Johnny can *o* Mmmmmmm *O*
SMILING PIANO PLAYER: Shush now, missy *o*
Johnny and roses do suit one another, cluck thinks *o*
... maybe 'cause at least MY very invented version of the man is Aphrodite's babyboy - the Greek
goddess of luv', savvy?
Tshee-hee-hee *O* Don't ti-hee-hee-cle me, Mumsy *O*
MUMSY APHRODITE: Oh, yes, I will *o* It's fun, little cluck-bird *O*


A-hmm ... *o*
More roses for my darling little god of love *O* And me in my best fur almost tipping over because
the bouquet is a bit too big for a Teddybear of that size ...
But I did get a big smile so forgetaboutit *O*