I was walking peacefully through the lovely wood with my imaginary sweetie when ...
Drawn on computer. |

By Meeps. |
... somebody screamed shrilly in the air above us and another voice yelled "Geronimo!!!"
Then added much more softly "Eh, sorry - was he one of your ancestors, Johnny?" We both looked up and Johnny hurriedly
stepped back a bit and caught a scared little dragonfly hurtling downwards into his out stretched hands. When we managed to
look closer it was Norbertīs (see here please for an explanation for Norbert) second cousin Rex And Rex was soon rubbing at his
behind with both hands - ehm, dragon front paws? - and screaming abuse at the top of his lungs. Johnny though hurriedly
closed his mouth with two fingers mumbling "Rex - really ... There is a lady present" - blushing very prettily while saying
so - perhaps because he remembered that he himself very often swears in front of me *O* Then the little Pegasus Guinevere
landed on my shoulder and turned out to know even more swear words that the highly offended dragonfly A moment Johnny listened
impressed at the stream of not at all polite words coming out of the cute little wing horse. Then he stopped her too by saying
"Slowly, you two! One of the time ... You sort of landed first, Rex, so you better explain what on Earth happened ... Or rather
what happened in the air" But that turned out to be difficult to figure out since both were quite sure the other had started
the argument which had ended with Guinevere kicking the unsuspecting Rex hard from behind as you can see above She was
a bit ashamed of having kicked him from behind ... But being a smart horsy she hurriedly pointed out to Johnny that
it would have been much worse for a boy to be kicked in the front. Johnny clearly winced at the thought and nodded
Then he added firmly "You shouldnīt have kicked him at all! Period, young lady. So what if he stuck his tongue out - that
wonīt kill you" Here I couldnīt help thinking that the little hothead claiming that didnīt like people making fun of him
either but - trying to be loyal to Johnny - I didnīt point that out Perhaps he thought the same thing himself because he
looked a bit embarrassed at me and then continued "Anyway ... It wasnīt nice of you, Rex, to make fun of the fact that a Pegasus
has to use her wings to fly and you can do so by magic. So what - we are all different, are we not? And that is quite O.K.
- isnīt it?" Rex hung his head and mumbled something to the effect that Johnny was right and that he was sorry. Guinevere
started to look victorious but Johnny claimed she shouldnīt go around kicking anybody - from either side - or - or ... Here
he looked at me with a smile saying "Or what, sweetie? They are after all the figments of your imagination so you should
decide what the 'punishment' is, me thinks" By now I was wishing fervently that he and I had walked another way a moment
earlier plus a few more not so nice things about the cutest little figment of my imagination called Johnny. And told the poor
man so in a few phrases which told him a lady can talk like a sailor when she chooses - at least this "lady" can *O* After
that outburst I simmered down a bit and leaned over and kiss the amazed cutie pie. Who looked like he couldnīt decide whether
he should run off in fear of me or have a severe attack of the giggles. "O.K. Guinevere - if you ever kick anybody again"
I started. Then amended the sentence "If either of you does this again I am telling your grandmothers how you behave!" That
did the trick. Both have rather formidable matriarchs as grandmothers and would not like to have to go home and face them
after it had been known that they acted like silly little children although almost grown-up already. So the dragonfly and
the pegasus flew off together. Probably agreeing whole heartedly with each other about what a dumb human I am the moment we
couldnīt hear them -o* ... and how charming and sweet Johnny is - he *O* It is usually that way with my imaginary critters
*o* Said Johnny looked a bit apprehensively at me and then asked slowly "Did you really mean that, baby girlie - that you
wish you had never invented anything and that you would never ever invent another thing again?" "Yes, darling! ... at least
not for the next ten minutes or so" I said hugging him around the waist and kissing his cheek. "That means - that means
you are not mad at me after all?" Johnny said. Starting to smile a bit but not quite sure if it was worth the effort yet. "Oh,
no, I hate you all I can" I giggled and kissed him some more adding "Which isnīt much, baby" Then I suggested we
went home and found a quiet, dry place where it wasnīt raining small dragons for some more kissing and other such very
nice things. Which we did *O*