
Pirate school


A while back the real life Johnny Depp talked about
having been to pirate school as a boy
or said that at least all boys wanted to go ...

Me and my Teddy ...
.. at the school's door -o*

And that reminded me of a rather unhappy experience I had when quite a small girl ...
I had read all the adventure stories I could get my grubby little hands on and sat with big, big eyes and stared at Errol Flynn and Gene Kelly on our little black and white TV screen being daring, dashing and not at all dastardly pirates in old Hollywood movies.
My big hero was Long John Silver and I even got roaring - erm, make that whining drunk one day on Rum and coke and had to be put to bed by my irate mum.
So one fine spring day - being all of nine years old - I ran away from home. Stowed away in a banana boat going back from Denmark to the Caribbean and managed to hide all the way. No mean feet for a homesick - and rather sea sick - child, me thinks
So there I was - knocking on Heavenīs door - or to be more precise on the door to "Blackbeardīs Famous School for Pirates, Buccaneers and Other Seafaring Men" The doorbell didn't work ...
The name of the school alone should have told me a thing or two, one should think - then again I was only nine -O*
A one eyed squat man opened the door after I had knocked quite a long time and leered "Whatīd ya want?" And though I shook mightily in my briefs all my former research had told me to be brief so I said "May I be a student here? Please - Sir?"
For a moment the pirate just glowered at me - probably thinking he hadnīt heard correctly. Then he roared with laughter slapping his thighs and doing a merry gig.
Finally - when he had got his mirth under control he formally screamed "Donīt be daft! You are a GIRL !!!" and slammed the door in my unhappy face.
So there I was ...
Having to go to all the trouble finding yet another banana boat bound for Denmarkīs cold, but homely shores - and my furious mother who told me I was never ever to make her that worried again or she would - would - hug me !!!
Which she then did *o*
So here I am - older and wiser - and "married" to the dashing - no, make that absolutely adorable - pirate Short Jackie Sparrowkin.
Not at all to be mistaken for the role played by wonderful Johnny Depp and called - Disney being a much more serious company than Danish Silliness Inc. - captain Jack Sparrow.
... I would still have love to have become a pirate ... But it is a manīs world, I guess *o*

While I wrote that last sentence my sweet imaginary buccaneer sat himself down beside me and read what I had written - while eating a banana - a thing I canīt do after that return trip on the second banana boat ...
And you know what - my dear sweet little Sparrowkin claims he would love to have me as his first mate - as his only mate, he kissed - onboard his ship *O*
That is, as soon as my beautiful buccaneer has managed to win said ship back from Barbecue (Long John Silver to most people) in yet another poker game ...
He *o*